Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sister Kisses

Tonight Mallory {!!!} pee~peed on the potty on purpose {like it wasn't an accident} for the first time. Before bath time I asked her if she needed to go and she said yes. And she sure was telling the truth! This makes me think she can "hold it" and that's huge!

Did I just buy my last box of diapers from Target yesterday?


Tracy said...

Oh, I hope so!!!!

Cute pic.

Brandon said...

Hey...this is the link to the puddle jumpers on amazon...

They had a pink one and a yellow one at the Target in North Chas. today...they are $20 there. Not sure about S'ville. We may get Owen another one for Sarah's house.

Brandon said...

Okay...scratch that. Amazon gets them from Target and Amazon is out...looks like you can only get them online or from your local store(s).

Here's the Target link...

Let me know if you want me to pick up one or two from the N. Chas store.