Tuesday, October 9, 2012

KCWC Day 1

Day 1 was actually yesterday... Since I'm already behind in sharing, we'll start with some projects I was able to complete prior to Day 1 ...

Anna Claire, Mallory and I decorated the mantle with a fall-inspired bunting that I actually sewed together last weekend...they helped pick out the fabrics. It's not kids clothes, but I did sew it myself!!
My mom is working on some dresses for the girls, so Sunday night I finally finished some monogramming she needed to complete the dresses...
Fall finally arrived yesterday with much cooler temps and rain. The girls enjoyed rainy~day arts and crafts while I started cutting out Anna Claire's Halloween costume.

Once Anna Claire and Mallory were in bed {wearing their brand new princess castle jammies which they love}, I finished cutting out the costume and wanted to get started making some pants when...

I realized a few things yesterday:
  • most of the 4T pants I've  bought for the girls are already too short {going back to the store this weekend}
  • the few pairs of 5T pants they have are miles too long
  • length depends on the brand {looks like 5T carters and 4T Gymboree are the best fit}
  • I like paisley fabric
I bought both of these fabrics last year on separate occasions and never did anything with them. They have essentially the same color palette on a navy blue background. I don't think Anna Claire and Mallory need two pairs of paisley pants with navy blue backgrounds, so the larger print will become a jumper and the smaller print, which is corduroy, will become pants.
My hour was up last night {ha, ha} by the time I figured out what I could do with two such similar fabrics, so hopefully I'll get the pieces cut out tonight during DWTS!!

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