Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

We had a very busy weekend, so it was nice to get a "bonus day" today since schools were closed. I thought I'd be brilliant and vote early this morning before Walter had to be at work. Two hours later I was finally back in my warm, dry house. The girls and I spent the rest of the day inside...in our pj's.

We did lots of coloring and drawing...

 ...and I finally finished switching out the girls' closet and drawers . Yay! for no longer having to dress out of a pile of clothes in the corner of their room. I still don't think they have enough pants for really cold days. They've never been between sizes before and it stinks trying to find things that fit.

Yikes! Here's how Anna Claire and Mallory occupied their time while I finished up the laundry...undressing all their princess dolls.
I'm not sure if they were feeling overly patriotic since today was election day, but they both thought they'd strike a pose as the Statue of Liberty at the dinner table.
 Their prediction for our next President? Barack Oromney.

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