The same night I shared Anna Claire and Mallory's school pictures {see below}, they both came down with a terrible stomach virus. We're pretty lucky that the girls aren't really susceptible to stomach bugs all that often, so when one hits them, we are completely thrown for a loop. We never have pedialyte or Emetrol or carpet cleaner...
Fast forward two weeks to Thanksgiving and we've {finally} completely recovered...from the experience; the girls were feeling great about 24 hours later.
We've had a great Thanksgiving break, and I am so sad that it's almost over. Things kicked off with Anna Claire and Mallory's Thanksgiving program at school.
Mallory was thankful for bears, snakes, and deer. {???}
Anna Claire was thankful for Thanksgiving.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at the river. The weather was perfect, but I got hardly any pictures.
Friday I hit the Black Friday sales. I'm not sure how much I saved, but I put a huge dent in the Christmas shopping list. The crowds really aren't that bad. Later that afternoon, I bribed Anna Claire and Mallory to ride into town for Christmas card pictures. They really had too much fun and we almost didn't come home with and pictures worthy of a card. They were really good, though, so we had brownies as a treat!
These won't be on our Christmas card...
While Walter and I took care of unpacking ornaments and stringing the beads, we occupied the girls by letting them make their Christmas cards to Santa. We gave them toy catalogs and a pair of scissors and let them cut out pictures of toys they want to ask Santa to bring. They put their pictures in envelopes for Ernie the Elf to take back to Santa tonight.
Speaking of Ernie...he's baaaack!
{ more megaposts. promise.}