Anna Claire and Walter were under the weather last week...and then there was the weather ~ rain, rain, and more rain, so we got a little behind on our Valentine's Day festivities. Things didn't get pulled together 100%, but we made do. We did a little decorating around the house, finally got Valentine's for their classmates finished {commercialism one out this year ~ the girls wanted Merida Valentines for the girls and Transformers for the boys}, made cookies Sunday, and I finished the girls' teacher~gifts Monday night. Here's a little peek at our week...
Triple chocolate cookies with no to lick the beaters, but I should have know they wouldn't be the best cookies I've ever eaten. Mallory does not discriminate, though. BTW, those aren't the cookies we made on her plate; they're Ritz with hotella {that's Mallory and Anna Claire's name for nutella. Before you ask, I have no idea}.
Love the Target $1 section for the cutest Valentine's surprises...and new Crocs {NOT from the Target $1 section}.
Ginormous {yes, they both use this "word"} ink pens were their favorite!
We went to a unicorn themed birthday party Saturday where everyone got handmade unicorn horns {wheels turning}. The party coincided with the new My Little Pony episode where Twilight becomes a princess ~ an
alicorn which if you must know is a cross between a unicorn and a pegasus. So, Anna Claire donned her Fluttershy Halloween costume, Cinderella tiara, and new unicorn horn so she could pretend to be Princess Twilight Sparkle. Her imagination never ceases to amaze me!
And I'm on year three of giving the girls' teachers the same gift...because they're easy and cute. The best part this year is the girls were able to share the knock~knock joke with their teachers...
Who's there?
Ah~choo who?
Ah~choose you to be my valnetine!
You know you want to laugh!
So, that was pretty much our week in a nutshell. I'm off to TN for work later today, but will be right back tomorrow which will hopefully make this short work week feel even shorter.
Happy belated Valentine's Day, everyone!