Thursday, October 30, 2008

On the Eve of All Hallows Eve

We are all ready for Halloween tomorrow. The girl's jack-o-lanterns are full of goodies and sitting out for them. Costumes are packed and ready to take with us to my mom and dad's tomorrow. Since the girls will already be at my parent's house tomorrow, we're getting them dressed in their costumes there after I get off from work (Walter will meet us there; he gets off early on Fridays.).

The truth is, for the first couple of years at least, Halloween is nothing more than a photo op. So...Anyone in my family who wants to see Anna Claire and Mallory all dressed up, can come there. We will then go to Walter's mom's house. Anyone in Walter's family who wants to see them in their costumes can visit while we are there. We should be home no later that 7PM!

I wonder how smoothly my plan will actually flow?

Check back in tomorrow night for pictures of the girls dressed in their Halloween finery! And keep your fingers crossed that the girls don't melt down tomorrow night faster than the Halloween candy they won't be eating.

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