I know it's a bit early, but this year, for the first time, our tree is coming out of a box. We have decided to go the artificial route. I was excited about the possiblilty of bundling up the girls and taking them out to buy a real tree. Wouldn't that have made for cute pictures? This year, however, I think artificial is the way to go. When they get a bit older, maybe we'll go back to the real thing.
The deciding factors? We've always had trouble remembering to water our real tree which ends up dropping needles after about a week; I really don't see us getting any better at remembering this year with Anna Claire and Mallory occupying our time. And since our tree is dead so soon, we really don't get to enjoy the pine scent for very long. We also won't have the resultant pine needles littering the floor; therefore, we won't have to worry about Anna Claire and Mallory putting said needles in their mouths. Plus - and this is the real bonus - the tree is pre-lit. No more stringing lights! YAY!
Our plan is to begin decorating next weekend. The big questions is where is the tree going to go with all the baby gear?
Check back in for pictures of the girls' first Christmas tree...
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