The girls continue to be great eaters. So far, they've eaten everything they've ever been given. Last night, for example, they are rutabagas for the first time and loved them. Unbelievable! We are about to change up the feeding schedule a bit. The girls are losing interest in their bottles, so today we've started a plan to consolidate bottle feedings with meals which will hopefully leave us with just one bedtime bottle feeding somewhere between twelve and thirteen months. I'm always worried about changing their feeding schedule, but I've never had a reason to. Everything always seems to work itself out just like it's supposed to.
Both girls are doing great standing up on their own and cruising around their toys and the furniture, but no one has been brave enough to take that first step all by themselves. They will, however, walk behind their baby strollers pushing their baby dolls - sweet.
Of course, the latest news is Mallory's two new top teeth which showed up one right after the other. I got a really good look at them today when she was grinning - so cute! Anna Claire is teething like crazy. Hopefully hers will be here soon.
Sleeping is still going great, and naps are getting longer! Just think, a month ago I thought they were telling me they wanted to drop the morning nap, and then this morning they slept for 1 1/2 hours. I think it's all the playing outside in the hot weather that tires them out!
Bath time has gotten a bit more stressful as both girls want to stand up in the tub all the time. Hopefully this is just a phase and soon I will be able to reason with them. It's really hard to explain to an almost-one-year-old how dangerous it is to stand up in the tub. Sigh.
And, as you may be able to tell, we can forget about taking any posed pictures. The girls are in to everything and have no interest whatsoever is sitting still and smiling for the camera. I had to put them in the crib so they wouldn't get away for these shots. Of course, our elephant friend isn't in the pictures, but they do have precious elephants on their onesies.
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