This has been Anna Claire's "routine" for two weeks now. I thought maybe she was just discombobulated since I've been working semi-part-time, but I don't think it should have taken her this long to adjust. She is just not at all tired anymore at her mid-morning nap time, 9:30. The bigger problem? By 11:00 the crankiness has set in, but afternoon naps don't begin until 1:30.
So, what to do? I have no idea what's best. Move morning nap back so Anna Claire is tired? Cut out morning nap for Anna Claire? For both girls? If we cut out morning nap it makes sense to move afternoon nap earlier. They have always been on the same sleeping schedule which has made life so easy. The thought of putting the girls on two different napping schedules does not thrill me.
So, what to do? I have no idea what's best. Move morning nap back so Anna Claire is tired? Cut out morning nap for Anna Claire? For both girls? If we cut out morning nap it makes sense to move afternoon nap earlier. They have always been on the same sleeping schedule which has made life so easy. The thought of putting the girls on two different napping schedules does not thrill me.
Ugh! I do not like schedule changes, but looking back, I have to admit things always seem to work themselves out just fine for everyone. Time will tell...
Ugh...I know what you mean. Rowan seems to need much less sleep than Evan and I worry about that because I do want to keep them on the same schedule if possible, while respecting that they ARE different people. Anyway, can you try to transition Anna Claire to a new schedule to see if it works for her before disrupting Mallory's schedule? Maybe the earlier afternoon nap is the answer, but I'd hate for you to try it for both girls at the same time only to find out that it isn't!
Good luck!!!
Dylan has lost his morning nap which was from 9:30-11:00 with an afternoon nap from 2:00-4:00. Now he begins to get sleepy around noon so we have lunch at noon and nap between 12:30-1:00 and he usually sleeps until 3:30. It's working well for us but then again, I only have one that takes a nap now. You should talk to my friend Danielle. Lucy and Riley have always been on completely different sleep schedules. Riley just needs/requires more sleep than Lucy.
Try cutting out the morning nap and making the afternoon nap soon after lunch. Just try different things and see what is going to work best. Good luck.
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