Things are still busy as ever, but I’ve made a pledge to myself to do a better job posting here {which shouldn’t be too difficult since the holidays are right around the corner}. The girls are growing and changing and getting smarter and smarter by the day…there is so much I don’t want to forget, and since I haven’t touched their baby books in over a year, I’m going to spend some time here on the little things…like our current favorite bedtime stories. I am so thankful {I think I’ve said it before} that the girls love, love, love books. We have shelves and baskets of books all over our house {and even in the car}, but we have a few titles we specifically save for bedtime...
Quick as a Cricket
Goodnight, Gorilla
Goodnight, Moon
The Big Red Barn
Mary Engelbreit’s Mother Goose
Treasury of bedtime Stories {"Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and "Henny Penny"}
The Jesus Storybook Bible {"David and Goliath"!}
The rule is two books and then lights out, but don’t think for a minute the girls don’t try to trick us into reading more than just two books. And honestly, things do get a bit tricky because sometimes they are happy to sit and listen to the same two stories if they can agree, but other times they want different stories…so is that two stories total, or two stories per girl {totaling four books}? You’d think it would be as simple as Mallory choosing one book and Anna Claire choosing another {and maybe it could be}, but if you have ever had two-year-old twins named Anna Claire and Mallory, you know nothing is really all that simple.
And the only thing that will divert their attention from wanting one more story, mommy is our other bedtime ritual of singing “You’ve Got a Friend in Me.” Yes, the Toy Story obsession continues, though Mary Poppins has recently taken top spot {which I find practically perfect in every way!}
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