Hey, friends and family! It sure has been a long time since my last post...and so MUCH has been going on! Good thing I see most of the people who read this blog on a regular basis or y'all would have no clue what was going on in our lives. Are you following along on Instagram? I barely even find the time to share pics there ~ and I was doing pretty good for a little while.
We sure have had a busy and exciting summer to say the least, but hands down the most exciting thing that has happened around here in a long time is Anna Claire and Mallory starting kindergarten. I am so happy to report that tomorrow marks the one~and~a~half week point and they love it! Most of it, at least. We are still working out a few things like our morning routine, car rider line, making new friends,...but it hasn't even been two weeks, so I'd say we're ALL doing pretty awesome!
Here are just a few pics from the first day. NO TEARS...from any of us! I like to say that's because we all had a pretty rough time at meet the teacher {a little overwhelming to say the least}. I'm glad we all had that chance to get the butterflies out of our tummies, so we could start the first day on the right foot!!
Here's to a great year in kindergarten! {fingers crossed.}
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