Monday, December 15, 2008

Overdose *updated*

This morning I accidentally gave Mallory a double dose of prevacid. I'm going to blame it on my NyQuil hangover, because I have no memory of how it happened. Truthfully, I don't recall giving her the double dose at all. I'm afraid I was still half asleep. I just know that when I went to get Anna Claire's tablet it wasn't there. I had to have given it to Mallory.

I first called the pediatrician's office; the nurse didn't seem worried at all but told me they refer all overdoses to Poison Control. I only mildly freaked out at that point! I called that number (write it down if you don't already have it memorized! 1-800-222-1222), and the man who answered told me there was nothing to worry about - he was very abrupt about it and actually caught me off guard a bit. He sounded kind of like the person on the other end of the line at 911 or when you accidentally set off your house alarm - very abrupt and almost shouting at me. I guess he has to be that way because I'm sure he gets plenty of people calling in a panic, but I was actually quite calm.

I thought maybe he'd have to put me on hold to look up side effects of a prevacid overdose in a 6 month old on his computer or maybe look in his "handbook" or something, but he came back at me with an immediate response almost before I could get the words out of my mouth. He seemed very certain that it was going to be okay, but that got me thinking - who are the people on the other end of the line at poison control? I'm going to do a little research and try to figure out who I spoke with this morning and where poison control is located.

I just talked to my mom and she said Mallory is just fine - she ate all her breakfast and is playing in the exersaucer. Another crisis averted.

This is great information from the American Association of Poison Control Centers...
Child Tips

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